

$ cat about.txt

We are a small team of developers focusing on computational movement analysis, simulations and optimization problems, as well as the underlying hardware and software components for data acquisition and visualization.

Merlin Unterfinger linkedIn linkedIn

Data Scientist, specialized in Geographic Information Science.

Tobias Meier linkedIn linkedIn

I&C Engineer, specialized in Data Acquisition Software.

$ ps aux | grep projects

osurs Optimization of space utilization in reservation systems. An algorithm for optimal distribution of reservations along a trip among available seats. The algorithm is implemented in C. A Python wrapper and an interface to MATSim transit schedules ensure ease of use.
lognetic A data logging framework to store and visualize process values collected over an OPC UA server. The framework runs in linux docker containers and provides a web api as well as a web app to configure the system. The data is stored in a time series database and visualized with Grafana.
bike-counter Hardware and software components of a PIR based tracking device to monitor the usage of local bike trails. The data is sent over LoraWAN to TTN and from there to a Google cloud backend which stores the data and provides api endpoints for the data visualization web UI.
glacier-flow-model Modeling glaciers on a digital elevation model (DEM) based on mass balance and a modified D8 flow algorithm applied to ice.
tp Transformation planner. Tool for planning and monitoring a change in weight and body fat percentage.

$ ./

$ ls -l source

bgpy Running local or remote python servers in the background and establish stream socket-based communication with clients.
bikecounter Hardware and software components of a PIR based tracking device to monitor the usage of local bike trails.
dotfiles Personal dotfile collection for macOS Monterey.
drtplanr Tool for planning and optimizing virtual stations in demand-responsive transport systems by defining and minimizing a global energy.
dwt-based-segmentation This repository implements the procedure from Soleymani et al. (2017) for applying DWT-based segmentation on trajectories of turkey vultures in R.
earthquake-visualizer Fetching and plotting earthquakes from the USGS feed.
eRTG3D Empirically Informed Random Trajectory Generator in 3-D.
flexpolyline The flexpolyline R package provides a binding to the C++ implementation of the flexible polyline encoding by HERE.
glacier-flow-model Modeling glaciers on a digital elevation model (DEM) based on mass balance and a modified D8 flow algorithm applied to ice.
global-temperature-change-detection Global surface temperature layers are interpolated based on a point measurement data set of the worldwide surface temperature, which has been recorded since 1950.
hereR R package that provides an interface to the HERE REST APIs: Geocoder API, Routing API, Traffic API, Public Transit API and Destination Weather API. Locations and routes are returned as 'sf' objects.
KiCad Custom 3D models and footprints for KiCad.
matsim-docker A Docker image of the MATSim open-source framework for implementing large-scale agent-based transport simulations.
missing-migrants Visualization of IOM's Missing Migrants Project data (2014-2019).
modeling-dialect-regions Generating continuous spatial surfaces for the manifestations of various linguistic phenomena in the Swiss-German language.
ndarray-threads Processing chunks of an numpy ndarray using a ThreadPoolExecutor.
pyosurs Python wrapper for osurs.
sbplanr Tool for placing bicycle sharing stations by iteratively minimizing a global energy of a model that reflects the station-based bicycle sharing system.
ti-nspire-lib This repository contains different TI-Basic libraries with useful functions.
zeitsprung Scraper for, a great history podcast.